Optional Heading

Click to Play

Can have looping video background or still image.
Cursor turns to play button svg.
On click, popup video is brought up

Label Name Type Notes
Vertical Spacing click_to_play_vertical_spacing select (Clone of Utility : Vertical Spacing Options)
Heading click_to_play_heading group (Clone of Utility : Heading)
Loop Video URL click_to_play_loop_video_url url
Image click_to_play_image_id image (Clone of Utility : Image)
Image Focus Point click_to_play_image_focus_point button_group (Clone of Utility : Image)
Image Fit click_to_play_image_fit select (Clone of Utility : Image)
Lazy Load click_to_play_image_loading true_false (Clone of Utility : Image)
Popup Video URL click_to_play_popup_video_url url